The Graveyard set for "good,Bad and Ugly" is being restored in Northern Spain.Here characters moved in geometric formation towards their goal of treasure,externally and psychologically.Its a formation Leone used and developed in all his Spaghetti Westerns, and alluded to in True Detective 2 where Nic Pizzolatto shows similar metaphysical depths in his character formations,especially at the end of episode 1 ( see Pizzollatto often visually refers to other films/TV dramas in his Californian noir where as Leone visually referred to previous Westerns in his.
.Leone's Westerns were misunderstood in America at the time of release,much as Pizzolattos work is now.Metaphysics doesnt do well in America, the land of materialism where even God or Sanity is a commodity to sell.Lots of celebrations going on in Spain in 2016 to commemorate this film.Be there or be a square!
.Leone's Westerns were misunderstood in America at the time of release,much as Pizzolattos work is now.Metaphysics doesnt do well in America, the land of materialism where even God or Sanity is a commodity to sell.Lots of celebrations going on in Spain in 2016 to commemorate this film.Be there or be a square!