Friday, September 19, 2014


(copyright to BBC1)


Confused and embattled, the Doctor takes time out to reflect on his plight, like the epic hero Arjuna from the Mahabharata. In yogic pose on the Tardis above the earth he embarks on a different sort of journey, inside himself,the inner space of outer space, exploring fears of isolation and loneliness, the solace of company in his fear of the dark unknown. There have been psychological episodes before, like “Edge of Destruction” in series 1 and “Midnight” where the action is internal, set on a small stage, using interior monologues, introverted explorations of fragmentation where things seem to be falling apart. Traditionally, this self- quest-ioning takes the hero from a man of action to a man of reflection which deepens his character,(why do we talk out loud when  alone/what is under the bed/  alone, why do we feel the presence of another?). It’s a necessary part of the hero’s development, and of the epic narrative.

This inward journey has dangers that require attentive awareness. In this place there may be Beings that use Hiding as a “survival skill” instead of attacking or defending, “hiding from view” in order to protect themselves, like the monsters in Timelord Art.  These beings would have to be very elusive or vulnerable or special to use this mechanism to survive.  “Listen” says the doctor. “Listen” says the writing on the wall, as if from nowhere. “Listen”, says Clara to the boys who sleep, a command that alerts them to their Unconscious.

But Listening is what Clara and Danny fail to do as they first meet each other over dinner, dodging each other’s intrusions in misunderstandings that miss the point, vulnerabilities in them hiding from disclosure as they make assumptions based on preconceived notions or prejudice. “People like you always get the wrong end of the stick”, says Danny before Clara walks out. They fail to see what is hidden between the words because they aren’t listening attentively with their hearts.

Its the same with the new Doctor and Clara who are estranged in their relationship since his rejuvenation has all “gone wrong”. They do not see each other clearly because they make assumptions that cloud their judgement, about age and women. The doctor says Clara isn’t wearing make up when she is. She says the handwriting on the wall is his, though he thinks he “couldn’t have written it and forgotten”. In the “two possibilities” of viewpoint, Clara is prosaically literal in her interpretation where as the doctor is mysteriously metaphysical, musing about “a companion, a silent passenger, a shadow.” She sees the obvious while he looks for something hidden, so he looks one way while she looks the other, each with a partial viewpoint...which is obviously why she needs  the three-way mirror to reveal maximum visibility, since you cant see everything by just turning your head!(“Why three mirrors instead of turning your head?”he says).Her “three in one” mirror reflects the whole, from all angles, a universal mystery revealed in the the Upanishad  as one of their “hidden meanings”.

To answer his question about the universal fears of something under the bed at night, the Tardis images an archetypal “place of safety”, a Childrens Home. They manage to “get in” because the  “door is faulty” and the doctor distracts the guard with ambiguity, confusing him with the mirage of his presence and the disappearance of  a coffee mug. These are tricks of illusion to divert attention. So they advance beyond the defences to find Danny as a vulnerable frightened child. When Clara goes under the bed to dispel Danny’s fear, her action forces “the thing” out to be visible, now a figure hiding under a blanket, rising out of shapelessness into a form. The more they consciously look, the bigger it gets, out of all proportion....just like our fear of the dark.

The doctor throws light on this experience by literally turning on the light and deflecting attention, changing viewpoint so they are not overwhelmed. “Where’s Wally?”,he jokes, “Fear is good, makes you alive, fully conscious and alert, scared is a superpower. There is a danger in this room and guess what, its you”. Its a comment that can be taken two ways, depending on viewpoint, either referring to the “thing” as dangerous or Danny as dangerous. Each is dangerous to the other, so Danny must learn to ignore the thing that “must not be seen”, that hides to be safe. If Danny turns away, it will turn away. They must acknowledge each other and then forget,ignore.

Again the Doctor concludes there are “two possibilities” to the interpretation of this experience, that it is literally a boy playing a prank, or metaphysically that this is “a thing that must never be seen”. One view is outwardly concrete, the other is inwardly numinous.

Clara responds by reassuringly creating an army of plastic toy soldiers to guard the boy Danny, led by a “soldier so brave he doesnt need a gun, Dan the soldier man”, a man armed in his own right as a person. In later life this sentiment will determine Dannys career as a soldier who focuses on helping others by digging water wells instead of killing them. It will also shape the Doctors character as a hero without guns, something he seems to recognise in himself now as he listens.

This first stage of the journey inward is a lucid moment for everyone involved. It awakens something in Clara who realises her mistaken judgement over Danny the man, encouraging her to make amends. It enlightens something in the boy Danny that enables him to develop as a man. It awakens something in the doctor as he carefully observes Clara’s act of kindness and empathy. These lucid moments appear to come out of nowhere, like manifestations of the subconscious. They release something that is hidden, a disclosure.

And as if out of nowhere, the surreal intrusion of a spaceman (or deep sea diver!) lures Clara away, deeper into the shocking revelation that this figure is her descendent, Orson (but not Welles!). They dont recognise each other physically, outwardly, but they do realise the connection through the toy soldier symbol, the heirloom. Its inexplicable, unfathomable, but just as real and powerful.

Here where the archetypes lurk they have reached their destination, “the end of the road, end of everything, end of the universe”, certainly the end of the known. “The Tardis isn’t supposed to come here but some idiot turned the safetyguards off, theres nothing here, not a breath, all clocks stopped, the end of Time”, says the Doctor, who has referred to himself twice already as the “idiot”. Only a fool or madman would venture here. The doctor is unlocking himself to find what lies hidden in order to understand, questioning himself. “Listen” he says for the third time to the “three left in the universe”; man, woman and child descendent.

This is a place of unveiled archetypes, surreal and mysterious, hidden presences made briefly visible. There is now only one last locked door, the one that says “dont open this door”, an instruction that has always been there but only “visible in the nightlight” as a reminder or warning. As if dreaming, the Tardis must “recharge itself overnight”, an endurance too much for the fearful Orson who is taken to another “place of safety”. For there is great danger in this place; “Its potentially catastrophic to meet yourself” says the doctor, “Im afraid of my own shadow”, says Orson,  “you dont want to meet yourself, its embarrassing” says Clara. If the vulnerable Self hides in order to survive, its important to be in the right frame of Mind to encounter it.

The doctor and Clara are now ready and alert, facing the locked door. Something is knocking three times on the door, eager to enter,( as in the episode Midnight). Again there are “two possibilities” of interpretation, the literal or metaphysical, exoteric or esoteric, “pressure equalising or company”, an inevitable choice framed by the dualities of conscious existence perceived by the Mind, which is why alone there is always the presence of another since one occurs with the other, endlessly. To open the door is to glimpse beyond this framework.

Its the poetry of a recollected nursery rhyme that takes the Doctor onwards now, the figurative language of imagery, words that hide their meaning or have double meaning, ambiguous, magical:

“Whats that in the mirror, in the corner of your eye?
Whats that footstep following but never passing by?
Perhaps they're all just waiting,perhaps when were all dead,
Out theyll come a slithering from underneath your bed."

He must face this final stage alone where what is hidden can be revealed. “I must know” he says, “I need to know if there are creatures who live to hide and dont show themselves”. An open door is an open Mind in the doctor’s conscious need to know, not threatening nor threatened. We dont know what the doctor sees but we do see the expression on his face, the awareness of an insight, like switching on a light. It knocks him off balance and unconscious, “as if something hit him”. Orson brings him back physically but not mentally so he stays unconscious.

Its Clara, unthreatening and unthreatened, who reaches the doctor in this place, from within like an anima. She treads carefully where vulnerabilities hide like tracking wild exotic creatures. Now she is the thing under the bed, disarming him, comforting, dispelling fears, “its OK. Go back to sleep”, and he is the distraught boy sobbing in his head, in isolation and fear. Her words become his words as he absorbs them subconsciously, making them his own, assimilating, as if she is something inside him. Her monologue comforts and elucidates, is about a unified viewpoint, bringing everything together, literal and metaphysical, restoring his balance.

“Listen. This is just a dream. Fear is OK, a superpower. Fear doesnt have to make you cruel or cowardly, it can make you kind. You’ll always be afraid, even if you hide it. Fear is a constant companion. It brings us together. Fear makes companions of us all”.

The unarmed toy soldier she leaves both boys is an object AND a symbol with outer and inner significance, a combination that empowers them.  This kind of knowledge lies hidden in order that it survives because, as the mystics who were the first psychologists warn, keep these things hidden lest they be abused by those not ready or prepared to understand. When the boy doctor calls out “Who’s there?” as the adult doctor says “I need to know”, it opens the door between states of consciousness as the spaceship door opened. So the release is inside and outside. The doctor faces aspects of himself in the dark that he has populated with creatures from the product of his fears. What is outside is also inside, if you know how to look and listen with the eyes of the heart.

However, its important not to linger or dwell on this surreal shape shifting place with its ambient  “mood lighting”. The doctor says, “Dont look, turn your back, move on, get in the tardis”. Clara says “dont look, dont ask questions, do as you’re told”. Its important to glimpse but not to get trapped. Forgeting is the correlative of Remembering.

In this lucid moment there is unification on all levels. Orson is restored to his own time. Clara and Danny are reunited in a kiss. The doctor and Clara reconnect. The doctor is reintegrated with himSelf, secure in his connection to the anima inside and Clara outside. There is a sense of reconciliation, unity, Integration. Everything is Whole again....until the next time they journey here.

These Beings beyond consciousness, who “hide in the corner of your eye” are the manifestations of  presences from the Psyche/Soul/Self ,as real as any other. They hide to protect themselves, but break cover when the conditions are right, a wonder to behold. The fear that isolates the Doctor can be a kindness, a friend. As the foster parents want to bring all their boys together in the farm on Gallifrey, so Clara wants to put the dreaming doctor back together. Her words heal the rift of his divided Self.

The world of Archetypes is Real, if hidden. Its creations make themselves known to the eyes of an open heart. This has always been understood and told in stories like this one now.

Listen. Discern.