It seems it will never be safe enough for me to take my daughters to Egypt so instead I take them through the photos of my first trip there as a tourist before living there in the 1980's.Its a reminder that all empires rise and fall but what remains constant is the human being in the small sense of work and family and art.
The wall art on this house signifies the inhabitants have fulfilled the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.A camels burden is an owners joy!
Handing over the Ankh, Key of Life, symbol uniting the opposites of male/female at Abu Simbel. Turn that key and it opens everything! You only understand perspective when you stand at the foot of the statue of Ramses here and realise you are only as high as his big toe while the rest of the statue towers above.
Working with immutability;the art of the stonemason hasn't changed much.
Family life, another immutability. See the girl peeping out behind the boys.
Standing in the temple at Luxor on the East Bank of the Nile for the living. West Bank is for the dead where Tutankhamen's tomb was discovered.