Pilgrimage is still a part of Irish tradition, that urge to wander and break from attachment.The destination would be a Holy Well like St Brigets round the Burren headland or a Fairy Fort like that near Ailwee Caves, or a hilltop like Croagh Patrick that is climbed barefoot every year. People still go to these places out of remembrance and leave ribbons or trinkets,rosaries or tokens,say a prayer or make a wish.The tree at the centre of Ailwee fairy fort is draped in ribbons.Its a living tradition, not a tourist attraction.
Hidden deep in the Clare countryside is the ruined cottage of Biddy Early, the 18C wisewoman who was charged with witchcraft because of her ability to heal with herbs, and because she was a free spirit living outside church control and inside of 3 marriages!
The local storyteller of international renown, Eddy Lenihan,has collected all the stories about her,and those who know of her still visit the cottage to leave tokens and make a wish.The glass blue bottle left behind by someone here is a reference to the blue bottle she used to "see into" the sickness of those who sought her help.