I am spilling over with excitement.The French government allowed Werner Herzog to film the paintings in the Chauvet Caves and his documentary previewed at Toronto this week.These paintings are extraordinary and have been my passion for some time.I have been to Lascaux and Niaux in France, but Chauvet is closed to the public, so this is the only chance to see them in 3D.What a gift!
"Caves of forgotten Dreams" will be shown in cinema 3D next year ,on the History channel in America, and on More 4, the Channel 4 series of "True Stories".
These paintings are over 30,000 years old but could have been painted yesterday. Its not about artistic technique or commercial value or public consumption. Chauvet was a hidden place then as it is now, for this is a different sort of Art that is instant,without any sense of development despite the fact it covers periods of thousands of years with different populations.Its proof of something timeless to do with the myth of Creation and the birth of Consciousness, or what some call Soul.Creation and Consciousness are the same thing connecting outward with inward; an explosion of Light.Such a mystery, and here is its earliest record,proof that we were wide awake and expressing it then as we do now.
Its the timeless human psyche we are looking at on these cave walls,for we are the same thing reflecting and unchanged ,despite our illusion of sophistication and history.