Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Icon painting 1992

This was painted for an icon exhibition held in 1992. It was bought by a monk and now hangs in Glenstal Abbey,Ireland. Its in the Byzantine style,Glykophilousa or playful/loving pose.The medium is egg tempera (pure pigment mixed with varying quantities of egg yolk). The lines of the icon are etched into layers of gesso on wood.

Traditionally there are three prototypes for this Icon; firstly, the Virgin Orans, of the Sign, 4th century Rome, where the Mother‘s arms are raised around the child sitting in a sphere at her centre, cosmic and geometric; secondly ,the Virgin Hodigitria which shows the Mother as Theotokos, the god-bearer, holding her son in her left arm whilst pointing to him with her right hand.,Byzantine,5th century, a majestic investiture ; and thirdly, the Virgin Eleousa, which means merciful loving kindness where the mother proudly holds her son but the haunting expression in her face foretells his fate,Constantinople,11th century, personal and emotional .Its the Cretan variation of Eleousa that is represented in Catholic homes as Virgin of Vladimir, of the Passion or Perpetual Succour .It focuses on the relationship between Mother and Child as they embrace each other tenderly or playfully, and on the expression of the Mothers face as she expresses both love and sorrow. The Icon prototype develops from something general and schematic to something particular and intimate.